Welcome to VermontFamilyLaw.com!
This website is designed to guide you through the Vermont court system in divorce, custody and child support cases. I’m Tristan Christopher Larson, a family law lawyer in Rutland, Vermont. I’ve written these pages to guide you through the court system.
Divorce and custody cases can be difficult for everyone involved. The laws are confusing and the process can take a long time. But it doesn’t have to overwhelming! You will find commonsense guidance here to help understand what is happening in your case, prepare for your court date, and take the next steps to put this difficult time behind you.
Explore the site to learn about each step of the court system. If you need some extra help, you can call me for an affordable one-on-one meeting in person or over the phone. Arm yourself with some tips on how to manage your own case, and prepare a plan for how to get from where you are to opening the next chapter of your life.
Where should you start? If you haven't started the divorce process in Vermont Family Court in your county (or the parentage paperwork if you aren't married), a good place to start is the educate yourself menu at the top of the page. Reading through these topics should give you a good idea of the main subjects of the family court case that you are working your way through. Next, look at the steps to getting a divorce in Vermont - this gives you a good idea of the steps in the process of getting into and then through Vermont's court system with as little pain as possible. Good luck! And remember, call me if you get stuck - there are affordable options to help you with this transition in your life.